About Our Society

Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society
With its origins dating back to 1799, Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society (NNAS) is a registered charity dedicated to supporting agriculture throughout Nottinghamshire and beyond.
What do we do?
- Our primary objective is to support, champion and promote agriculture throughout the East Midlands region.
- We educate and inform the public on the role farmers play in producing high-quality food through our educational programme, Chalk to Fork.
- We highlight the varied and rewarding career opportunities within the agricultural sector.
- We organise agricultural shows and events including the Nottinghamshire County Show to celebrate the best of Nottinghamshire’s farming, food and countryside communities.
- We provide grants and awards to those learning or working within agriculture.
How do we do this?
Operate a trading business – Newark Showground is owned by the NNAS and has developed the showground over the years to become a premier events destination in the East Midlands hosting over 500 events a year. The commercial revenue from the Showground is used by the NNAS to fund its charitable objectives. For information on our Trading Policy please follow this link Trading Policy | Newark Showground.
Agricultural Shows – The shows that Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society organise are:
- Nottinghamshire County Show – www.nottinghamshirecountyshow.com
- Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show – www.newarkvintagetractorshow.com
- Midlands Machinery Show – www.midlandsmachineryshow.com
These events are run by the show team, with tremendous help and support from a dedicated band of volunteers and Council members to whom we are enormously grateful.
If you are interested in having a trade stand at any of these shows, please contact the Show Team on 01636 705796, at show@newarkshowground.com or click on the individual show websites for further information.
Education Programme – Chalk to Fork educates children about food and helps young people, the unemployed, or anyone considering a life change by raising awareness and facilitating career opportunities in the farming and horticultural industries. Learn more at chalktofork.org
Grants, Apprenticeships and Awards – The society provides grants, apprenticeships and awards to those learning or working within agriculture.
- Education and Development Award Scheme
- Nottinghamshire Long Service (Single Farm) Award Entry Form
- Service to Agriculture Medals Entry Form
- Agriculture Engineering Traineeship & Apprenticeship Scheme
If you wish to find out more information about any of the above awards, please email grants@newarkshowground.com
Want to support us? Become a member
By becoming a Member of the Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society, you will:
- Help the Society to support agriculture and education in the county
- Support the Society maintaining and reinvest in the 126 acres that make up Newark Showground
- Support the Society to produce three great annual shows for the regions agricultural sector, business and the local community
Members of Newark and Nottinghamshire’s Agricultural Society enjoy the following benefits:
- Free entry on both days of the County Show and the Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show
- Access to facilities exclusive to Members at the County Show, including a Members pavilion
- Newark Showground holds a variety of events throughout the year and you can claim discounted admission on the ticket price to some events
Any surpluses or profits are used by the Society to fulfil its charitable purpose – to support agriculture in the County and maintain Newark Showground.
If you would like to become a member, please download our membership form here, or you can apply for membership online at: www.nottinghamshirecountyshow.com/membership